Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 Sept 2009 - 章缜翔坐半年冷板凳 终当上男主角









没戏拍时 感到彷徨



《游戏人生》是由Matrix Vision制作的,监制林明哲告诉本报,他曾和章缜翔合作过数部戏,觉得他是个非常乖巧的演员。


Credit: Supesite

Monday, September 7, 2009

7 Sept 2009 - 大配角变主角 From Supporting to Leading Star!

‘Upgraded’ liao lor…MediaCorp’s 大配角 Ah Zzen 章缜翔 aka ‘Robert Zhang’ – the rapist from ‘The Little Nyonya 小娘惹’ fame has finally risen up the star-ladder to take on the No.1 lead role in a new local drama ‘Priceless Wonder 游戏人生’. No.1 lead roles in local dramas are usually reserved for such Ah-Ge as Christopher Lee, Qi Yu Wu and Tay Ping Hui and it is a refreshing change to use Zzen instead.

Zzen who usually takes on supporting roles here probably did not expect it coming but his time has finally come. In this new drama, Zzen will play someone 自小就跟随父亲到处开赌,耳濡目染之下,很小就会赌博,长大后更成为了职业“博士”,也兼做卜基,头脑精明,有着超强的记忆力,尤其对号码有着过目不忘的本领。身手敏捷,为人风趣幽默,口甜舌滑,很会搞气氛,讲笑话,毫无理财观念,花钱如流水,对母亲非常孝顺,也疼爱弟弟,对第一女主角可说是一见钟情,穷追不舍,知道她非常排斥赌博,而刻意隐瞒自己是“博士”的身份,后来被揭发,愤然提出分手,当发现了自己当年被亲生父母拿来当赌注的身世后…

The last time Zzen was seen here in a near-lead role was ‘天使的烙印’ – a Malaysian drama shown in Singapore and ‘还我情真’(not shown here) but ‘Priceless Wonder 游戏人生’ would be his first time in a Singapore drama to be seriously considered as a No.1 lead actor material in the same league with many other Ah-Ges (在这里‘僧(男主角)多粥少’的情况下。。。机会来的不易)。

Zzen’s best buddies Shaun Chen 陈泓宇 and Zhang Yao Dong 张耀栋 must be feeling very happy for him as both already took on lead roles in the past here but not Zzen…at least not in Singapore…

I read somewhere that Zzen got his double eye-lid done up and he is getting married soon…oh well…this big break has nothing to do with that lah…don’t be superstitious…haha…

第一女主角No.1 Female Lead Role goes to…
Just when you thought the 1st female lead role of a local drama would go to one of the 7 Princesses 公主 as usual…it is not lor…The No.1 female lead role goes to Tiffany Leong 梁丽芳。Tiffany who? Tiffany was last seen as a co-host with Dai Yang Tian 戴阳天 in the travelogue to Malaysia ‘阳光大马心感受’.

Tiffany is not new to acting. She has acted in Malaysia’s drama productions such as 原点, 快乐一家,天使的烙印 and MediaCorp’s 绝对佳人.

In this new drama, she plays this girl who is 理智,果断,外柔内刚,讲究原则,得理不饶人。因为有个烂赌的母亲向云,所以憎恨赌博,与母亲水火不相容,记忆力差,尤其对数字更是不敏感,因为找不到工作,只好勉为其难在打票站当打票员,每天被逼着跟赌博打交道,邂逅了章缜翔后,被他幽默风趣的个性给吸引,以为他是个好男人,怎么知道章缜翔跟她母亲臭味相投。。。

2010 may see the rise of several newbies and Tiffany 梁丽芳 who got her first big break here is touted by i-Weekly as the one to watch… You can check out her blog: tiffany-leong.blogspot.com/

This new ‘Priceless Wonder 游戏人生’drama with gambling as the subject (not your fantasy God of Gambler type) is written and produced by the talents behind ‘奶爸百分百 Daddy Nanny’ and ‘煮妇的假期 Housewives’ Holidays’. It will be shown on Channel 8 in February 2010.

Credit: Blog - baguatv