Sunday, August 28, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
15Aug11: Zzen's Birthday greetings from Zzenists
Zzen, 生日快乐!今年不能和去年一样和Zzenists一起为你庆祝觉得有一点可惜。大家都很希望能帮你庆生,只可惜你人在吉隆坡啊。希望你拍摄顺利,快快杀青然后回来和我们聚一聚吧。
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 啊哈哈 又老一歲了!! wahaha
工作歸工作 但也要好好照顧自己 不要累壞了啊~ sry那時不能跟fiona他們一起去KL :( 不過大家都很期待下一個gathering哦! :) 加油加油加油~
Zzen~! __(自己fill in the blank)__岁, 生日快乐!!!!!
看到你的素颜照, 皮肤真好! 可是还是要祝你永远英俊帅气~! :D
希望你能够快快回来, 虽然不能跟去年一样庆祝, 但是, 最少大家能再聚一聚.
(因为不能到马来西亚探班, 还在难过中)
你喜欢我们的礼物就好, 因为是Fiona帮我们带去的, 不能送太大! 等你回来再送Part2. 哈哈!
Zzenzation will flood you with love and 用不完的 muscle relief cream! 呵呵. o(^O^)o
Thanks and Best Regards,
Audrey Sia
Dear Zzen,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUU!!!!! ((: 生日快乐!听说你最近很忙拍戏,要多注意健康!(: 虽然我们无法跟你庆祝生日我们还是希望你能够有个愉快的生日!^^ 祝你天天开心!事业顺利!和老婆永远恩恩爱爱!Enjoyyy!!! ^^
Jiexi (:
一年一度的生日又到了~ 生日快樂!!
祝你永遠青春有活力! (恩.. 知道你很在意你那長不大的臉啦. okok.. 沒這麼快演爸爸的. XD)
謝謝你那兩天在KL的照顧. 知道你很忙, 但抽空來和我們相約, 我好感動呢~~
拍戲應該快進入尾聲了吧? 加油加油! 希望9月你回來新加坡的時候有時間和Zzenzation聚會. ^^
happy birthday zzen! it had been 3 month since you left for kl for filming! looking forward for your new drama!! (: take good care of yourself and dont fall sick! zzenzation will always be there for you (: hwaiting!! xD
Happy Birthday Zzen!!! 希望你在malaysia拍戏不会太辛苦!Stay safe, take care of your health! Have a good birthday! May all your wishes come true! Best wishes!! :) :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZZEN!! 好久没见到你啦 (>_<) 虽然今年不能替你庆祝生日,但还是祝你生日快乐!希望你能够接多一点新加坡的戏、 事业进步、身体健健康康、拍戏时不要受伤、每天开开心心、当然还有越来越帅!嘻嘻。等你回来聚会哦![心] [耶]
Hello zzen:))
here a bdea song for u..are u ready??
Happy Bdea to u~~
Happy Bdea to u~~
Happy bdea to my beloved zzen<3
happy bdea to UUUUUUU<3
ILY Zzen! May u alway stay as handsome forever and keep on jiayou tgt!
im proud to be your fans <3 all the best in ur acting at KL, rmb to drink more water n take good care of ur health!
Hey zzen here i am wishing you a very happy birthday .
may all ur dreams and wishes come true .
thanks for all the laughter , fun , and memories that u have give to us in zzenzation.
may greater things come to ur life .
Jia you we will always be behind you :P <3<3<3
Hello Zzen!
生日快乐!!! 大了一岁,多了一份魅力、多了一份成熟、多了一份智慧,愿你的生日伴随着幸福与喜悦 从日出到日落. 相信你会越来越棒, 演艺事业更上一层楼! 加油啦~ Once again,HAPPY BIRTHDAY (*☻-☻*)
Yi Ying.
Wish you a happy 33th birthday!! I hope you will success in everything you do!! (:
Happy birthday!!:):) Sending greetings to you on this special day! May all your wishes comes true and be successful in everything!:) Smile always and stay cute n handsome!:) hees~~ and again, happy birthday Zzen!:)
From:美宜 (Evon)
Hello Zzen,
Happy Happy Birthday! :) It's been a joy getting to know you in my life! You're such a friendly and easy-going person! Hope you will excel in your career and all the best in whatever you do! Even when you face challenges in the future, remember that Zzenzation will always be here for you! :) Enjoy your birthday! 生日快乐! 永远英俊! <3
Renee :)
Happy 33th Birthday to you, may your wishes come true.
Peggy & Evelyn
Hii zzen,
Happy birthday!(: How have you been?Remember to drink lots of water okays weather very hot. The days you left for filmming we miss you badly. While we are waiting for your new show we are watching the shows you use to film(: see you take care of your health(:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 啊哈哈 又老一歲了!! wahaha
工作歸工作 但也要好好照顧自己 不要累壞了啊~ sry那時不能跟fiona他們一起去KL :( 不過大家都很期待下一個gathering哦! :) 加油加油加油~
Zzen~! __(自己fill in the blank)__岁, 生日快乐!!!!!
看到你的素颜照, 皮肤真好! 可是还是要祝你永远英俊帅气~! :D
希望你能够快快回来, 虽然不能跟去年一样庆祝, 但是, 最少大家能再聚一聚.
(因为不能到马来西亚探班, 还在难过中)
你喜欢我们的礼物就好, 因为是Fiona帮我们带去的, 不能送太大! 等你回来再送Part2. 哈哈!
Zzenzation will flood you with love and 用不完的 muscle relief cream! 呵呵. o(^O^)o
Thanks and Best Regards,
Audrey Sia
Dear Zzen,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUU!!!!! ((: 生日快乐!听说你最近很忙拍戏,要多注意健康!(: 虽然我们无法跟你庆祝生日我们还是希望你能够有个愉快的生日!^^ 祝你天天开心!事业顺利!和老婆永远恩恩爱爱!Enjoyyy!!! ^^
Jiexi (:
一年一度的生日又到了~ 生日快樂!!
祝你永遠青春有活力! (恩.. 知道你很在意你那長不大的臉啦. okok.. 沒這麼快演爸爸的. XD)
謝謝你那兩天在KL的照顧. 知道你很忙, 但抽空來和我們相約, 我好感動呢~~
拍戲應該快進入尾聲了吧? 加油加油! 希望9月你回來新加坡的時候有時間和Zzenzation聚會. ^^
happy birthday zzen! it had been 3 month since you left for kl for filming! looking forward for your new drama!! (: take good care of yourself and dont fall sick! zzenzation will always be there for you (: hwaiting!! xD
Happy Birthday Zzen!!! 希望你在malaysia拍戏不会太辛苦!Stay safe, take care of your health! Have a good birthday! May all your wishes come true! Best wishes!! :) :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZZEN!! 好久没见到你啦 (>_<) 虽然今年不能替你庆祝生日,但还是祝你生日快乐!希望你能够接多一点新加坡的戏、 事业进步、身体健健康康、拍戏时不要受伤、每天开开心心、当然还有越来越帅!嘻嘻。等你回来聚会哦![心] [耶]
Hello zzen:))
here a bdea song for u..are u ready??
Happy Bdea to u~~
Happy Bdea to u~~
Happy bdea to my beloved zzen<3
happy bdea to UUUUUUU<3
ILY Zzen! May u alway stay as handsome forever and keep on jiayou tgt!
im proud to be your fans <3 all the best in ur acting at KL, rmb to drink more water n take good care of ur health!
Hey zzen here i am wishing you a very happy birthday .
may all ur dreams and wishes come true .
thanks for all the laughter , fun , and memories that u have give to us in zzenzation.
may greater things come to ur life .
Jia you we will always be behind you :P <3<3<3
Hello Zzen!
生日快乐!!! 大了一岁,多了一份魅力、多了一份成熟、多了一份智慧,愿你的生日伴随着幸福与喜悦 从日出到日落. 相信你会越来越棒, 演艺事业更上一层楼! 加油啦~ Once again,HAPPY BIRTHDAY (*☻-☻*)
Yi Ying.
Wish you a happy 33th birthday!! I hope you will success in everything you do!! (:
Happy birthday!!:):) Sending greetings to you on this special day! May all your wishes comes true and be successful in everything!:) Smile always and stay cute n handsome!:) hees~~ and again, happy birthday Zzen!:)
From:美宜 (Evon)
Hello Zzen,
Happy Happy Birthday! :) It's been a joy getting to know you in my life! You're such a friendly and easy-going person! Hope you will excel in your career and all the best in whatever you do! Even when you face challenges in the future, remember that Zzenzation will always be here for you! :) Enjoy your birthday! 生日快乐! 永远英俊! <3
Renee :)
Happy 33th Birthday to you, may your wishes come true.
Peggy & Evelyn
Hii zzen,
Happy birthday!(: How have you been?Remember to drink lots of water okays weather very hot. The days you left for filmming we miss you badly. While we are waiting for your new show we are watching the shows you use to film(: see you take care of your health(:
15Aug11: Zzen's Birthday Greetings from Heartwarming Fanclubs
Ann Kok's Fanclub (Annchanted Annergy):
Dear Zzen,
On behalf of Annchanted Annergy, we wish you a very Happy Birthday! Have a blast and jiayou on everything you do. May you shine in your dramas and produce better shows every time! Determination is the road to success :) All the best and continue to strive on. Happy birthday once again!
Best Wishes,
Admin of Annchanted Annergy,
Dai Yang Tian's Fanclub (DAInamics):
Dear Zzen
We DAInamics, Dai Yang Tian FC would like to wish you a wonderful birthday, good health and a successful year ahead.
May Zzenzation get stronger by the day and continue to give you love and support.
Dai Yang Tian FC
Felicia Chin's Fanclub (Felicity):
Hi Zzen,
Happy birthday! May this day be filled with lots of fun, laughter and love for you.
Best wishes,
Delphine on behalf of Felicity
Joanne Peh's Fanclub (Jollity Club):
Dear Zzen
here's wishing u a very Happy Birthday !! Not just a year older but a year better...May your special day be filled with presents and flowers, friendship and happy hours.
Jollity Club - Rina
Joshua Ang's Fanclub (JAFC):
Hi Zzen!
Happy Birthday to you! JAFC would like to take this chance to wish you a very happy birthday! It was great seeing you especially in Unriddle as we feel that you really did a great job! It would be great if there will be a chance for you to collaborate with Joshua!
And isn’t it wonderful that all your fans are all excited that your birthday is coming! We hope that very soon we will be seeing you getting the Best Actor Award! Have an awesome day and we hope all your wishes come true!
JAFC President
Romeo Tan's Fanclub (The Juliet Club):
Hi Zzen
The Juliet Club would like to take this opportunity to wish you "Happy Birthday!"
May you have an enjoyable celebration with your love ones.
You have a wonderful fanclub to support you.
All the very BEST to you and zzenzation! =)
Rui En's Fanclub (RBKD):
Hi Zzen
this is a special day for many, and for yours fans, it is an especially meaningful one.
Wishing you even more success in your career and joy with health in your life.
Happy birthday!
Well Wishes From
Club President
On Behalf of RBKD - The Official Fan Club of Rui En
Shaun Chen's Fanclub (陈泓宇后援会):
p/s: Zzen,你的后援会Zzenzation真的很赞!
Tiffany Leong's Fanclub (TLFC琦樂園):
Hello Zzen~ 我在這裡代表 Tiffany和≪琦樂園≫祝你生日快樂耶!Happy birthday~ (^_^) 希望你會天天開心 演藝事業也會越來越好 你是實力派的大帥哥啊~ 加油!!!也記得要好好照顧身子~ 希望以後你和 Tiffany 還會有機會再度合作喔~ (^_^) Take care & enjoy your day~ Smile!
KaiLin on behalf of TLFC琦樂園
Xu Ming Jie's Fanclub (杰世闻鸣):
杰世闻鸣祝章缜翔生日快乐!希望鸣杰和缜翔有机会合作。:) 愿缜翔永远幸福哦,事业的成就带给他无限的力量与快乐。Happy birthday,Zzen!:)
Yuan Shuai's Fanclub (袁帥粉絲屋):
Hi zzen
Yvonne Lim's Fanclub (Yverlasting Yvonne):
Hallo Zzen!
Happy birthday to you from Yverlasting Yvonne! Here, we sincerely wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavours! May you continue to love what you are doing! Happy birthday once again!
P/S: your fans are really good!
Audrey on behalf of Yverlasting Yvonne
Dear Zzen,
On behalf of Annchanted Annergy, we wish you a very Happy Birthday! Have a blast and jiayou on everything you do. May you shine in your dramas and produce better shows every time! Determination is the road to success :) All the best and continue to strive on. Happy birthday once again!
Best Wishes,
Admin of Annchanted Annergy,
Dai Yang Tian's Fanclub (DAInamics):
Dear Zzen
We DAInamics, Dai Yang Tian FC would like to wish you a wonderful birthday, good health and a successful year ahead.
May Zzenzation get stronger by the day and continue to give you love and support.
Dai Yang Tian FC
Felicia Chin's Fanclub (Felicity):
Hi Zzen,
Happy birthday! May this day be filled with lots of fun, laughter and love for you.
Best wishes,
Delphine on behalf of Felicity
Joanne Peh's Fanclub (Jollity Club):
Dear Zzen
here's wishing u a very Happy Birthday !! Not just a year older but a year better...May your special day be filled with presents and flowers, friendship and happy hours.
Jollity Club - Rina
Joshua Ang's Fanclub (JAFC):
Hi Zzen!
Happy Birthday to you! JAFC would like to take this chance to wish you a very happy birthday! It was great seeing you especially in Unriddle as we feel that you really did a great job! It would be great if there will be a chance for you to collaborate with Joshua!
And isn’t it wonderful that all your fans are all excited that your birthday is coming! We hope that very soon we will be seeing you getting the Best Actor Award! Have an awesome day and we hope all your wishes come true!
JAFC President
Romeo Tan's Fanclub (The Juliet Club):
Hi Zzen
The Juliet Club would like to take this opportunity to wish you "Happy Birthday!"
May you have an enjoyable celebration with your love ones.
You have a wonderful fanclub to support you.
All the very BEST to you and zzenzation! =)
Rui En's Fanclub (RBKD):
Hi Zzen
this is a special day for many, and for yours fans, it is an especially meaningful one.
Wishing you even more success in your career and joy with health in your life.
Happy birthday!
Well Wishes From
Club President
On Behalf of RBKD - The Official Fan Club of Rui En
Shaun Chen's Fanclub (陈泓宇后援会):
p/s: Zzen,你的后援会Zzenzation真的很赞!
Tiffany Leong's Fanclub (TLFC琦樂園):
Hello Zzen~ 我在這裡代表 Tiffany和≪琦樂園≫祝你生日快樂耶!Happy birthday~ (^_^) 希望你會天天開心 演藝事業也會越來越好 你是實力派的大帥哥啊~ 加油!!!也記得要好好照顧身子~ 希望以後你和 Tiffany 還會有機會再度合作喔~ (^_^) Take care & enjoy your day~ Smile!
KaiLin on behalf of TLFC琦樂園
Xu Ming Jie's Fanclub (杰世闻鸣):
杰世闻鸣祝章缜翔生日快乐!希望鸣杰和缜翔有机会合作。:) 愿缜翔永远幸福哦,事业的成就带给他无限的力量与快乐。Happy birthday,Zzen!:)
Yuan Shuai's Fanclub (袁帥粉絲屋):
Hi zzen
Yvonne Lim's Fanclub (Yverlasting Yvonne):
Hallo Zzen!
Happy birthday to you from Yverlasting Yvonne! Here, we sincerely wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavours! May you continue to love what you are doing! Happy birthday once again!
P/S: your fans are really good!
Audrey on behalf of Yverlasting Yvonne
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