Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Designs of Zzen's boards

Here are some of the designs that I have for Zzen's boards.
Please take a look and tell me which one do you prefer.
Your comments are important to me. =)

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4

Design 5

Design 6

Do let me know if you think "this" design + "that" color will be better.
Or if you have better design(s), you can let me know too.
I will be happy to take that into consideration.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

4 Mar 2010 - He didn't tell fiancee about onscreen kiss

WHILE other actors have taken the 'good guy roles' path to fame, playing the villainous Robert Zhang in the hit 2008 local drama The Little Nyonya has done wonders for Zzen Chong's nine-year showbiz career.

Previously, he played mainly supporting roles.

It has led to the Singapore-based Malaysian actor's big break - playing the lead role for the first time in the drama, Priceless Wonder.

Zzen, 32, rose to overnight infamy after his character in The Little Nyonya raped two Peranakan women (played by MediaCorp actresses Jeanette Aw and Joanne Peh).

Till today, people shout out 'Robert Zhang' when they pass him on the street, he said.

In Priceless Wonder, which is currently showing on Channel 8, Zzen plays a kind-hearted boy who gambles to support his family and falls in love with a nice girl (played by Malaysian actress Tiffany Leong).

But she hates gamblers and Zzen's lovestruck character then lies to her that he is a property agent.

And for the first time, Zzen has a passionate kissing scene in the drama. In the last episode of Priceless Wonder, Zzen and Tiffany lock lips while caught in a tight embrace.

His only other on-screen smooch - a light peck - happened eight years ago with ex-MediaCorp actress Joey Ng in the Channel 8 drama Kopi-O.

Zzen claimed that he was not nervous filming the kissing scene as he and Tiffany knew each other well from having co-starred in two previous dramas.

And they were so caught up in the moment that they continued kissing even after the director had yelled 'cut'. The pair kissed for more than three minutes.

But the scene got him into trouble with his fiancee.

Zzen said: 'My fiancee was very mad at me because I didn't tell her about the scene.

Slipped his mind

'I wanted to the first day we shot it. But because it was an unsuccessful take, it slipped my mind and I forgot to tell her when it eventually happened.'

Zzen met his slim, long-haired, 1.71m-tall bride-to-be eight years ago after being introduced to her by local actress May Phua's husband.

She was a part-time model then. They shared the same love for music and travel, and eventually fell in love.

The first time he had wanted to propose was in a lavender flower farm in Hokkaido last August.

Unfortunately, the big crowd that turned up at the popular tourist spot that day made him abandon his plans and he had to endure the rest of the eight-day trip with the engagement ring safely tucked away.

The proposal finally took place in Bintan, a few weeks after the Hokkaido trip, at the Banyan Tree resort.

Zzen had asked the waiter to put the ring on his fiancee's dessert plate - amidst the strawberries.

The shy guy originally planned to go down on one knee but once again lost his nerve when he saw the two waiters watching him.

The couple will get hitched in December in either a sunset beach wedding or a swanky yacht affair complete with champagne and white wine.

Zzen said he wants two kids, a boy and a girl. 'I am a very romantic person. I'm thinking of hiring the videographer who filmed (Malaysian singer) Fish Leong's beach wedding although it will probably cost US$4,000 ($5,600).

'I also don't think my popularity will waver after I'm married because I think in Singapore, people don't really care about such things. In fact, the biggest local stars are all married.'

Credit: The New Paper

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2 Mar 2010 - Lost & Found 最火搭档

Updated with more cast: Rui En 瑞恩 and Zoe Tay 郑惠玉 take on the main leading female roles in the new CID/Informant drama ‘Lost & Found 最火搭档’! 剧中两名女主角是“亦敌亦友”(一老一少) 的矛盾关系,她们必须互相帮助,却又互相憎恨。

Rui En’s dream of playing someone who can fight like Jackie Chan will be fulfilled. She will become the CID Officer nicknamed ‘老大’ (her staff secretly call her ‘排骨精’ behind her back). 自小受到母亲的影响,灌输她这世界就是个大竞技场的观念,做任何事就如一场比赛,输了就是失败者。因此,她对输赢非常执着,养成她好强争胜的性格。

为了破案,她会使用手段,有时显得不近人情。因为她加入警队本就不为了伸张正义,维护治安。对她来说,警界是个不断往上爬的竞技场。但后来接触到Zoe Tay,让她逐渐了解,帮助人得到的满足感更大,可是…习惯成自然,为了帮助人,她依然不择手段。

Zoe Tay plays the role of a 警察卧底、警方线人、表面身份是小食店老板, Zoe 被训练成忍辱负重的性子。为了达成任务,她牺牲许多又坚持下去,显出她强韧的一面。没错,她认真起来是很可怕的。平常笑容可掬,擅于与人打成一片,给人毫无杀伤力的感觉,因此那些罪犯都不防范于她,也因此她交游广阔,便利于打听消息。接触了不少失踪案,越查越上瘾,以寻回失踪者为己任。

‘Lost & Found 最火搭档’ (20 episodes) is the new CID/Informant drama (thriller police genre like 破茧而出 Metamorphosis). Both characters will be linked to another mysterious CID lead role played by Tay Ping Hui 郑斌辉. Other cast include: Andie Chen, Kola Zhou, Shaun Chen, Joshua Ang, Paige Chua, Pei Xuan, Zheng Ge Ping, Rayson Tan, Wang Yu Qing, Brandon Wong, Zzen Zhang, Chen Tian Wen, Ong Ai Ling, Koh Yah Hwee, Zhu Hou Ren, Lin Mei Jiao, etc.

‘Lost & Found 最火搭档’ 监制:袁树伟 and 故事/编审:彭凯毅. Telecast on Channel 8 from 4 August at 9pm. Rui En has gotten all her dream roles, what’s next? The 30s songstress? Or simply retired? (Just kidding).

Credit: Blog - baguatv

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Man behind the Devil’s Face


Robert Zhang in “The Little Nyonya” is probably Zzen’s most memorable character. His stinging stare, evil laughter, thunderous voice and superb acting in the record-breaking drama series is probably still fresh in the minds of fans. It is no wonder why producers love picking him to play the baddie roles since the start of his career in 2001. But who is this man behind the devil’s face? Channel 8 finds out more about Zzen in this exclusive interview.

1. This is your first leading role in a drama (Priceless Wonder). How is it different from your previous roles?


2. How has playing Robert Zhang impacted you in your subsequent dramas? Do you feel greater pressure to perform now?

老实说演robert zhang的时候没想过反应会这么好!现在至少别人会说“你演得好
好!”。所以如果想要突破robert zhang的筐筐,就要在新的坏角色加点变化又或者转型。我比较幸运的是没有被定型,还可以演好人的角色,如果再继续演坏人,第一,观众会拿小娘惹来比较。第二,当然不想被定型。所以要先让观众消化我不止坏人样,还可以很可爱,这部戏来得真是时候!压力当然会有,但是适当的压力对我是ok的。

3. Any funny/embarrassing moments that you have found memorable while filming?


4. If you could choose any actress in the world to work with, who
would you choose? Why?


5. What have you been up to recently?


6. We understand you’re getting married soon. Any plans to have children?


7. If you were not an actor, what would you be doing?


8. If you only had one day left to live, how would you spend it?


9. We’ve noticed you’re looking better and buffer these days, and sporting a great tan. Can you share your exercise/health regime?


Credit: Mediacorptv