Monday, March 1, 2010

The Man behind the Devil’s Face


Robert Zhang in “The Little Nyonya” is probably Zzen’s most memorable character. His stinging stare, evil laughter, thunderous voice and superb acting in the record-breaking drama series is probably still fresh in the minds of fans. It is no wonder why producers love picking him to play the baddie roles since the start of his career in 2001. But who is this man behind the devil’s face? Channel 8 finds out more about Zzen in this exclusive interview.

1. This is your first leading role in a drama (Priceless Wonder). How is it different from your previous roles?


2. How has playing Robert Zhang impacted you in your subsequent dramas? Do you feel greater pressure to perform now?

老实说演robert zhang的时候没想过反应会这么好!现在至少别人会说“你演得好
好!”。所以如果想要突破robert zhang的筐筐,就要在新的坏角色加点变化又或者转型。我比较幸运的是没有被定型,还可以演好人的角色,如果再继续演坏人,第一,观众会拿小娘惹来比较。第二,当然不想被定型。所以要先让观众消化我不止坏人样,还可以很可爱,这部戏来得真是时候!压力当然会有,但是适当的压力对我是ok的。

3. Any funny/embarrassing moments that you have found memorable while filming?


4. If you could choose any actress in the world to work with, who
would you choose? Why?


5. What have you been up to recently?


6. We understand you’re getting married soon. Any plans to have children?


7. If you were not an actor, what would you be doing?


8. If you only had one day left to live, how would you spend it?


9. We’ve noticed you’re looking better and buffer these days, and sporting a great tan. Can you share your exercise/health regime?


Credit: Mediacorptv

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